Creative Finance Masterclass - Video Edition

In this Video Recording of the 3 day Creative Finance Masterclass you will learn...

How to source finance from other people which helps you instantly set yourself apart from traditional investors (who will always run out of money) which means you can continue investing even when others are struggling to find deposit and project funding!

How to build your own credibility with potential investors so you're able to make the best impression first time and avoid the pain of awkward questions and that means using your credibility to reassure investors and get access to more funds and ultimately more profit!

How other projects are financed (through real deal examples) and see how other people partner with investors and use investor funds which means you will increase your ability to be creative and use investor finance in the best possible ways.

Understand bridging finance in depth and the best time to use it so you're able to have bridging companies waiting for your next project with confidence which means you can leverage the benefits of bridging at the right moment in each project and avoid costly overruns.

How to recycle deposits efficiently so you're able to avoid leaving money in projects when it could be reused for the next project and that means you are using each investment in the most efficient way - returning money to investors on time and gaining more and more credibility.

How Commercial Financing works and how to use commercial financing in the right circumstances and that means you have more financing options for your projects increasing your ability to make every project work for you.

How to create joint ventures so you can partner with others in a safe legal framework which means increasing the pool of knowledge and finances available to you in each project you undertake.

How to make your pension work for you in property so you're able to use money locked up in your pension to finance your commercial property deals and that means unlocking this hidden and valuable cash asset. This will allow you to do more property deals and boost your retirement at the same time!

How to use Vendor Financing in your property deals which helps you have the person you are buying from finance the deal for you until you are ready to complete and that means you can complete some deals without borrowing from external sources at all!

How to do your Due Diligence on each property deal so you can check out all elements of the deal, including your partners and lenders, which means you know you are thoroughly checking all the elements of the deal that could affect your profitability.


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